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55 of The Most Inspiring Teachings from The Alchemist

Not long ago I decided to reread best-selling novel The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. I first got this book as a gift from a friend and since then have read the book once a year.

From the first time I read the book, I like many others, could not put it down. If you have read the Alchemist then you can relate.

The story follows a boy named Santiago. He does not want to live a life of mediocrity, rather he wants to life a life where he can follow his dreams. His dream is to travel to the Great Pyramids in Egypt.

Along the way, he meets many people who encourage him to follow his dreams and fulfil the desire of his heart.

While read the book, The Alchemist, I decided to write questions, thoughts and ideas I had while reading this life changing book by Paulo Coelho.

I hope the combination of 55 questions and statements below will encourage you to think deeper, aid you in perusing your own dreams and cause you to take the action.

If you have not read the Alchemist, my hope is that you will pick up this book and follow the message of this wonderful book.

The Alchemist will teach you about the power within you to accomplish anything you desire. Take the lesson I learned from reading this book and apply them to your life.

You will spark a flame that burn to accomplish more than just working a 9–5, Monday to Friday job. The spark inside you will not want to work 40 hours a week for the next 40 years for someone else. Rather you will desire to work on your own terms, for your own goals.

The Alchemist and the story of Santiago’s journey, will show you no matter what challenges you face, you can ask the universe for anything and it will conspire to work for you.

Which of the 55 questions or statements do you agree with most? Leave a comment below and check out other.

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Don’t just imagine change. Bookmark this page and come back every 30 days, reread the article and continue to apply the information and answer the questions.

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